Friday, April 17, 2020

Hourly Worker Abuse

In the USA, we seem to have this obsession with making excess demands of hourly workers. Cashiers in grocery stores aren't allowed to sit. In many workplaces, you see a sign on the wall saying, "If you have time to lean, you have time to clean". Even if there's nothing that needs to be done, the hourly wage earner is expected to keep himself busy until the designated break period, or dismissal.

In other countries, workers are protected from such abuse by labor laws. Cashiers are able to sit, workers are able to take a break if there's nothing that actually needs to be done.

Why in the USA, do we deride worker protection laws as socialism? Why is it OK for employers to abuse the workers in this fashion?

Perhaps it's time for hourly workers to unionize and demand an end to the abuse.

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