Friday, October 12, 2012

Conserve Battery Life on the Droid 4 with ICS

After the update to Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.1 in August, my Droid 4's battery life became quite abysmal. It would drain to 80% after only 15 minutes off the charger. That's way too quickly. I kept checking what services were running under Menu>System Settings>Battery and noticed that whenever the battery was draining especially quickly, there was a service called Media running.

I checked the sub-services running under it and noticed one called DRM Protected Storage. Since I'm rooted, I was able to use Titanium Backup Pro to freeze it and after I did, the battery life improved immensely. I can now be on the battery for about two hours and hit 70% with regular use. Not great, but definitely better than before.

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